Cops in Korea do Wonder Girls

I’m moving to Korea in about 5 weeks, so my own video editing has taken a backseat to selling everything I own… however, in the process of moving I have, of course, found many wonderful things about Korea.

And this video of cops dancing to Wonder Girls’ Tell Me has to be the most fabulous thing I’ve found.  By “fabulous” I am course discounting the 5,000 years of history that have provided some of the most amazing artifacts in human existence.

The Wonder Girls seem to be one of the more popular K-pop groups — and tomorrow night they begin the American leg of their tour in Portland, OR. I tried convincing my sister to go, but she thinks celebrating her birthday with friends is more important.

Evidently this video sparked a dance craze across the country, and the video below has to be my favorite thus far. America had the Macarena several years ago, but wasn’t nearly as fun…

Here’s the original:

~ by Adam Nicholson on June 24, 2009.

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